
Synology :: Docker

After a reboot of a container, I noticed the port mappings changed.
A quick edit of:

root@synonas:/usr/syno/etc/packages/Docker# cat ora12c001.config
{"cap_add":[],"cap_drop":[],"cmd":"","cpu_priority":0,"ddsm_bind_share":"","devices":[],"enable_publish_all_ports":false,"enable_restart_policy":false,"enabled":true,"env_variables":[],"exportin                                           g":false,"id":"fe1a6706865e0a7eaf735a8d17530b23805b5291aa4749424eac30dc459f1a63","image":"sath89/oracle-12c:latest","is_ddsm":false,"is_package":false,"links":[],"memory_limit":0,"name":"ora12c001","network":[{"driver":"","name":"bridge"}],"port_bindings":[{"container_port":1521,"fixed":false,"host_port":0,"type":"tcp"},{"container_port":8080,"fixed":false,"host_port":0,"type":"tcp"}],

put a stop to that.
Just put the desired value in place of the 0 in the “port_binding” section.

HYPER-V :: backup VM’s locally

Running Windows Server 2012 R2 HYPER-V Core but what to do regarding backups..!?


Install the Windows Server Backup feature. As I am using HYPER-V Core, I can install the feature using server manager on my laptop.
Than, create a shared folder on my HYPER-V server with:

net share BCK=C:\BCK /GRANT:Everyone,FULL

And finally, backup the virtual machine using wbadmin.exe, like so:

WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:\\<servername>\BCK -hyperv:<vm_name>

Because I’ve got Swiss cheese for memory, I created a little script to do this for me:



IF -%1-==-- (
    ECHO.:: ##########!! WARNING !!##############################################################
    ECHO.:: ## No parameters were passed. Please look through the Usage section
) ELSE IF '%1'=='/H' (
) ELSE IF '%1'=='/h' (
) ELSE IF '%1'=='/?' (
) ELSE (
    ECHO.:: ##########!! WARNING !!##############################################################
    ECHO.:: ## Provided parameter was not recognized/valid. Please look through the Usage section
    ECHO.:: ##  & GOTO DISPINFO    

ECHO.:: ##########~~ INFORMATION ~~##########################################################
ECHO.:: Description:
ECHO.::     Backs up a single Virtual Machine to the local shared folder BCK @ \\<servername>\BCK
ECHO.::     The command used is: "WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:\\<servername>\BCK -hyperv:{vm_name}"
ECHO.:: Usage:
ECHO.::     c:\Users\Administrator\Documents\backup.bat {vm_name}
ECHO.:: Parameter List:
ECHO.::     /?             Displays this help message.
ECHO.::     vm_name        When given a vm_name, it will be passed as argument to the wbadmin program
ECHO.:: Resources:
ECHO.::     WBADMIN        @ https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/virtual_pc_guy/2013/02/25/backing-up-hyper-v-virtual-machines-from-the-command-line/
ECHO.::                    @ https://virtualizationreview.com/blogs/virtual-insider/2013/02/back-up-hyper-v-vms.aspx
ECHO.::     BATCH script   @ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26551/how-to-pass-command-line-parameters-to-a-batch-file
ECHO.::                    @ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13684259/show-help-message-if-any-command-line-argument-equals

set arg1=%1
echo starting "WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:\\<servername>1\BCK -hyperv:%arg1%"
WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:\\<servername>\BCK -hyperv:%arg1%

May not be the most elegant of code or robust, but it gets the job done.


HYPER-V | Working without the Local Security Policy snap-in

When working with Windows Server products any security setting can be altered by using the local security policy.
Enter HYPER-V server core.

Because I’m just meddling around with it, I definitely want to be able to use it on a as much as TeleTubby level as possible. Queue Josip Medved. Following his post:
Run this on a server where the configuration already meets your requirements or where you can edit the file created in the code below:
secedit /export /cfg X:\new.cfg

The task has completed successfully.
See log %windir%\security\logs\scesrv.log for detail info.

When needed, edit the part below:
[System Access]
MinimumPasswordAge = 0
MaximumPasswordAge = 39
MinimumPasswordLength = 0
PasswordComplexity = 1
PasswordHistorySize = 0

In this case you’d want to set the PasswordComplexity to 0.
Move the file to your HyperV server and run the following code:
secedit /configure /db C:\Windows\security\new.sdb /cfg X:\new.cfg /areas SECURITYPOLICY

The task has completed successfully.
See log %windir%\security\logs\scesrv.log for detail info.

Worked for me!

## Update::
You can just
cmd::> gpedit.msc /gpcomputer: remote-computer
powershell::> Invoke-Command -ComputerName FQDN-of-computer {gpupdate /force}

Also works very nice and isn’t that cumbersome.

RDP from Windows 8 to VM Ubuntu 13.10


Took a while to find a working solution for Ubuntu 13.10, found at the link above.
Use it at your own discretion…

Creating raidz zpool with ZIL, mirrored cache and spares

Creating raidz zpool with ZIL, mirrored cache and spares == {Pretty straightforward}: Read the rest of this entry »

Mirroring the rpool

As you may notice below, this is a VM with plenty of disks, the intention is to have a mirrored rpool with a ZFS ZIL. There are two 16Gb disks for the rpool, one 10Gb disk for the ZIL and ten (10) 5Gb disks for a RAIDZ2 zpool. This post will show how to mirror the rpool on Solaris Express 11, it is a shameless ctrl-c/ctrl-v of this blogpost. But it works none-the-less… Read the rest of this entry »

OpenSolaris 2008.11 xVM Hypervisor

So, here i am. Trying to setup a Solaris xVM hypervisor….
Installed OpenSolaris using the ‘install’ icon on the desktop of the livecd.

According to the package manager, SUNWxvmdom, SUNWxvmipa and SUNWxvmpv were already installed, so i downloaded the rest (available via the package repository from opensolaris.org): SUNWvirtinst, SUNWvirt-manager and SUNWxvm. Those 3 were prox. 8 Mb in size. Read the rest of this entry »

UFS: export a filesystem to a container,..

UFS: export a filesystem to a container and remove the filesystem from the configuration:
Read the rest of this entry »
